
Shoe Tree ?

   Good morning Utah !

    Wow this is a little random but none the less interesting. This photo was taken this weekend going down to Sanpete County. I have passed by this tree several times and decided I had to stop . I notice every trip down here the shoe numbers are growing. It always brings a smile to my face. It has been said, " Always wear expensive shoes, People notice ".  So that being the case many of these are very expensive shoes and I did notice. There must be 200 pair of every kind of shoe you can imagine. Tennis shoes are the most prevalent. Now I think I understand an old pair of shoes , but several of these are hardly worn.
     Looking at these shoes made me wonder where they had been, and why are they here ? Have you ever heard the expression : Walk a mile in my shoes, and then judge me? I look and see so many stories that could be made about each pair of shoes.It might be kind of fun to look at each pair and try to imagine the story behind the shoe. Robin Hecht quotes." Is it time to go home yet ? I keep clicking these damn shoes, but nothing happens " .  So if nothing happens do you throw them in the tree ?  John J Plomp quotes." The only thing children wear out faster than shoes is parents". Then I could imagine how some one came home today and had to explain why his new Nike's are gone !  Only in Utah .
     Wild Day in Utah can have many meanings. Some times things just catch my attention . Life is to short to not see all we pass by.   Have a great day ! 

                  The Bear !!!


Guys Vs. Wild said...

That tree gives me a good idea of where to get some Christmas gifts.......Bear, want a pair of shoes for Christmas?

wild day in utah said...

Yes I do ! Thanks for asking :)