
Look What I Found Sunday !

      The Ring Necked Pheasant used to be a common sight in most parts of Utah. Now you are lucky if you ever see one along the road. As a boy I remember going hunting pheasants in Sanpete County. My grandfather had an old black lab dog that we couldn't  wait to take out hunting. I don't think there is anything more exciting than flushing a pheasant up. It startles you every time. The anticipation walking alone the ditch bank or along the river , then all of the sudden he flyes. This love grew till I was a young man and bought my first Brittney Spaniel. I spent every night after work teaching this dog to hunt. Watching a dog go on point ,showing there is a pheasant hidding is so cool. There used to be birds down every back road. Now you are lucky to ever see one along the road. These pheasants are run aways from a hunting preserve. Still they are one of the most beautiful game birds in Utah. I was excited to hurry and snap a few shots before they all flew off. It always make my day to see any of Utah's wildlife. 
    I love all the colors that they show. He stood up so tall as if he was posing for the camera.  Click on the pictures to enlarge and enjoy!   
         Get out there and get the camera rolling.

            I have some crazy shots from this weekend . Be sure to check in tomorrow.  You don't want to miss the Shoe Tree !      Have a great day. Get out and enjoy a Wild Day in Utah !        The Bear !!!

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