Wednesday and it still feels like spring. it might be time to get the Harley out. I cant wait to get on the road with the Nikon in the saddle bag.
I took a ride down south to Sanpete County to shoot some hawks and Eagles. There were Red Tailed hawks down every back road. There shouldn't be a mouse anywhere in the county. These little guys were on watch on several fence posts and pole lines in most of the back country. I got up early with the hope of find a few bucks while I was down there. I think it was the least amount of deer I have ever seen in some of the wintering grounds. I hope they just eluded me. The hawks were fun to see. They should have a good year with all the rodents and small birds that were around. Its easy to see why the local school district mascot is the Hawk. The Red Tailed Hawk is the most common Hawk in Utah. They can be found any where in the state. It can be challenging to get pictures of them. Seems like as soon as you see one and stop they take off in flight. With a little luck one will stay perch on a post or pole allowing you to get some good shots. I cant drive by any wildlife and not stop and take a photo or two. There are many color variations of this hawk.
The lower photo is of a hawk that was a lot darker than the first one
. I think he had his eye on my every move. I hope you will get out and watch for the Red Tailed Hawk. Have a great day in Wild Day Utah ! The Bear !!!!

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