
Lake Powell !! Can't Wait to go !!

                                    Good Day Wild Utah !!!

     I think it's about time to start thinking about Lake Powell. Spring is just around the corner and the strippers are calling. I was just looking back to a trip from this last fall. What a beautiful place Lake Powell is. The fishing doesn't have to be good at all to call this one of the best places in Utah. There is nothing like it to compare to to anywhere. Fishing there is one of my least favorite things to do. When the strippers are biting it can be a ton of fun. This last fall I went fishing with a group of friends and family. We had a great time just boating around the lake and fishing a little. This lake has to be one of the best places in the country to cliff dive. You can find about any height that you think you dare jump from. I remember when we would crawl down the sand stone and jump from some crazy heights.  Now I get to about twenty feet and have to really get the courage up. You can not go to Lake Powell and not jump in the water. The temperatures can be almost like bath water.
     The shear rock walls that tower up for miles can not be matched anywhere. Every turn has some thing new to see. You can boat for miles and never get tired of the beauty of this area of Utah. I don't think you could ever get tired of going there. It will always be a memory builder no matter who you are with. Every trip will be so different.
    Early in the morning the water is like glass. Some of the best water in the world to play in.
    I put a short video of us fishing for strippers. With the crew I was with it wouldn't have mattered if we caught fish or not, they were a riot ! 
     I can't wait to get back there.         Get out and enjoy the day.   Thanks for checking in.

                                                                                             The Bear !!

1 comment:

The mom said...

Do I get to go with next time ? Just kidding