
Here Kitty Kitty Kitty !!

Good Wednesday morning.!

Just got done doing our Taxes this morning. That is why the picture had to be front and center today. I hope you get a feel from this picture how I really feel about tax time. Yes this does qualify as a Wild Day in Utah ! Just one of those many things that almost brings as much emotion as Hunting or taking pictures. It is not the same kind of adrenalin rush, but does fire you up. It's not that I don't want to pay my fare share. Maybe there is some stimulus money or a grant out there to help me pay for it. Seems to be money for everything else that has taken place in the past few years. Try telling that to the Thousands who have lost homes in the last two years. Well enough said about tax time. I'm really not that bitter. Just had to get that of my little country boy chest.                        

Every time I look at some of my Cougar pictures I realize how lucky I have been to experience being this close to this magnificent animal. There is an awe feeling you get just being a few feet from this master hunter. He has hunted and killed more wildlife in a month than most people ever will in a life time. He even gets to hunt out of season. Wish I could do that. The adult male cougar kills on average one deer a week. They wont eat anything that is not fresh. I have come upon many deer  kills and occasionally an elk. Knowing that, and seeing what they are capable of doing you always have that air of excitement filming one at close range. I have been in a tree taking pictures when one turned my way and hissed and that alone made me bail out. I have been on the ground taking pictures when all of the sudden the cat jumped out of the tree right over me to escape. Through my lens it felt like he was coming right for me. If you ever have the opportunity to go on a hunt or chase don't pass it up. Most people will never see one in the wild so enjoy the shots .  Have a great day and I hope you get the same rush as I had today. TAX RUSH  !!

The Bear !!

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