
U.S. Postal Service ! NOT

                                                  Good Day Wild Utah !

     Remember  when the Eagle picture was a symbol of the speed of the American Postal Service ? Now it is considered slow compared to all the other forms of communication we currently have. It's hard to believe what has happened with e-mail coming aboard. That was just the start. Then with all that is currently changing with our cell phones it is an instant thought to e-mail. We carry the capability to instantly send almost anything we want with us all the time. Now jump in Face Book ! With over seven hundred million users. Twitter has over two hundred million users. Just try and get away for some one trying to reach you. It Ain't going to happen ! Now I really am going to date myself. I remember when I went to the mountain for a few days and never heard from anyone . Yes that was in Utah not Siberia. I didn't hear from any one, or care that I did. It was just me, and my thoughts, and my mountain. Now if I leave home with out my cell phone I Panic. I instantly get e-mails, text, pictures and send pictures as soon as I take them. Its time to take back my old world and slow down. I miss the tranquillity and peace that the mountains afforded me. Where were those dang roses I was supposed to stop and smell ? OK that's the challenge for the weekend , STOP and SMELL the ROSES. Technology is great, but there is a real world out there. It will all be waiting for you when you get home.

     Now back to the American Bald Headed Eagle. What an incredible bird. These are Sanpete County Utah eagles. I had to put a few more pictures in of them. They are all round the state right now. Hope you have an opportunity to view some before they head north.They are so distinct with that white head and tail. It's so easy to see in flight.They are one of the most majestic birds we will ever see.                                 Have a great weekend and enjoy a Wild Day in Utah !          The Bear !!


The mom said...

Love the Eagle pictures !

Guys Vs. Wild said...

We should go on a communicationless expedition to remind us of the good ol days. Beautiful eagles!