

                                                        Good Day Wild Utah !!

     Got you on the Buff Friday. Dont' lie to me ! I had a few Buffalo pictures left from a couple of weeks ago so had to post them. I've been sporting a cold  / flue this past week. Just got back to the gym after a six day lay off. Wow did it kick my butt. Added to the fact that during the sick time I ate like a buffalo. Not sure this obsession to work out is all its cracked up to be. I keep thinking of all the food items I've cut out of my diet , and all the supplements and vitamins I take. I couldn't sleep with out Tylenol PM. Sure hate to jump up a pant size though. So I guess the workout will go on.  

 I'm going to draw out some day and hunt his awesome animal. My wife and I were watching them pretty close at Antelope Island. If you will turn up the sound and play the video you will hear that she was just a bit worried. The buffalo had a magpie on his back and it was irritating him. OK he was getting down right mad. He got up and was coming our way. He wasn't mad at us just that turd bird. It was getting a little close for comfort. I kinda have a bad reputation for getting to close. You can read an animals body language and know when its time to back off. I've always been pretty good at that.  "Knock on wood " ! For some reason it's always fun to try and get her goat. Sorry babe it really is. She just gets so excited. I don't think my luck will ever wear out. I'm not sure she thinks the bird was the turd. I don't ever take anyone with me that I can't out run. JK
Have a great weekend. Get out and enjoy !            The Bear !!


The mom said...

OK so that was a bit rude honey...out run me???? Ya well think again next time we go BEAR hunting? Buff hunting or giraffe hunting... I'm done trying to save your ?#!@#$% yup you got it! your on your own now....Hope you survive! LOL! So go ahead and post crap like this on your blogg and we will see who is the last man standing.... love ya!

wild day in utah said...

Honey You Know I can't run !