
Winter Bucks Showing Their Stuff

       Good Morning Wild Day Utah !

     I hope you have more snow than we have this morning. Lehi Utah still has grass showing. The mountains did receive a little. This is just the beginning of what is to come. I'm looking forward to the snow coming.
     The Park City area is have the Sundance Film Festival this weekend. They are expecting an extra 40,0000 people to visit Park City. The snow will be welcomed there for sure. I know I should be headed up there to take some pictures of the wild life. I'm sure there will be a Wild Day in Utah up there. For some reason walking in totally packed streets just doesn't seem all that exciting. I've never photographed celebrity's. Oh well it would be wild !
     I had to show you a back view of the buck from yesterday. The top picture shows the left buck a little better. There must be something wrong with me because I couldn't wait to get up and share some more photo's this morning. I think that since it is so hard to see any good bucks any more, I really appreciate seeing these. It gives me hope that maybe some day there will be more of these some where. That's not likely to happen with the trend in the deer population.
     It never ceases to amaze me that one hour of walking in the mall and I am beat to death !  Walking in the hills for six hours is a piece of cake. I know it's not for every one, but there are so many benefits to getting out in the outdoors. There is always something that makes you feel like you are part of a bigger plan. I always have to stop and just look around and take in the whole experience. Ok I get just a little carried away at times. I always feel like I am missing something if I don't get out in the wild for a few days.
     The bottom pictures show a few different bucks. They always look so cool from the back as they trot away. I could sit there for hours just watching them. I hope you will get out there and enjoy the day.

                            Click on the pictures and enlarge them !                       The Bear !!

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