
California Quail

     Good morning Utah !

    Woke up this morning to 13 degree temperatures out side. Not exactly what I was hoping for. Then they added a few more bulls to the bachelor herd we have behind our back yard fence. There are four Angus Bulls already there.They brought in three more this morning. That stirred the pot. They have been bawling and fighting all day. They will stop as soon as they figure out who is the top dog in the field.
      Just checked the temp and it is all the way up to a balmy 27 degrees. Just right to get out and shoot some wild life. This little covey of California Quail stopped in just to make my day. There must be some thing in the grass they like at my house. There were about a dozen of them scooting around the yard. Beautiful little game bird. I was just wondering what I would put in my blog today, and they answered the call. If I were to going out looking for them I probably wouldn't be able to find them. So Bless their little hearts for making my day. They seem to be smart enough to stay in the city where they are not able to be hunted. If you are on the east side of Salt Lake City you may run in to a covey any where. They never seem to stop for a picture. There always on the move looking for better feed. They only fed for about 5 minutes and then they were gone. It would have been so easy to miss them. Yes even though they are in my back yard they are part of a Wild Day in Utah !  Keep the camera ready . You never know what might be happening right out your door.
                                                               Have a great day !

                                                                        The Bear !!!

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