
Cougar Fever

   Good Morning Utah !

   I couldn't resist putting a cougar picture in today. January is one of the best months to chase and photograph cougar. I think this is one of the most beautiful game species in Utah.  You are very lucky if you ever get to see one of these in the wild. They generally feed at night and are very secretive during the day. Thanks to some friends I have had the opportunity of shooting pictures of several cats over the years. The thrill of the chase and finally standing with in feet of one of these magnificent cats is incredible. I have also seen first hand the destruction they can cause in a sheep herd in a few short hours. There have been days while out tracking their track in the snow I find that they have doubled back and tracked me.  When you are by your self ,and back in the mountains a few miles it can make you think.There is always the feeling that some thing may be  watching you. How cool is that ? I have come upon several deer kills and some elk kills. They usually try and hide there kills in the winter. They will drag them into the rocks , under trees, or any where they think they can hide them. Doesn't that just make you want to get out there and hunt them with your camera ?  I was with one of my sons a few years ago in the winter watching some nice bucks. It was right at dusk. My son noticed a bunch of deer running in front of us about 50 yards away. Then just a few seconds after, here came a cougar on the run right behind them. We watched as he ran several hundred yards though the sagebrush hills. It was so cool to witness. The deer seemed to be far enough ahead that he wasn't going to get them this time.
    Well I know this is short today ,but just wanted to remind you that when you are in the mountains you are being watched ! Maybe if you are lucky  you will also be tracked. If you are really lucky you may get to be close enough to see a cougar face to face. I don't think that will happen. If it does I want pictures.
    Get out there and enjoy a Wild Day in Utah . Till Monday, have a great weekend !

                                                            The Bear !!!

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