
They Are Not Elk Droppings and You Can't Eat Them

                                They are not elk droppings and you can't eat them. What are they ? 
     So another great trip to the mountain that netted no deer or elk shed antlers. What a beautiful day it was anyway. There was tons of cool stuff just to stop and see. I did see eight bull elk, but only one had shed his hardware. Guess I will have to wait another week to go try and find the needle in the hay stack. It's always interesting to see all the bones lying along the mountain floor.  Kind of a cool skull in the middle of a oak brush hill side. Of coarse I couldn't pas it up. So what is it from ? 
     The bottom picture was the first butterfly of the season. He was tearing up the mountain side. What could be better than a few wonder items from 5 miles up the mountain. It was worth all 7 hours of walking strait up. I came back a new rejuvenated old man.
     The short video is one of my favorite things to do on the mountain. There is nothing better than sitting down by the rushing stream and just letting your thoughts leave the craziness of life. I wouldn't trade the day for anything.
     So what are those sweet things in my hand in the first picture ?  Hummmm !  

       Have a great weekend. Thanks for checking in.  
                                                           The Bear !!

                                                                       PS  Moose poop !  :)


Guys Vs. Wild said...

Love the mountain pix, can't wait for next Thursday! Look out sheds, here we come!

wild day in utah said...

I hope :)