
New City Creek Project

                                   Good Day Wild Utah

    Now this has to qualify as a wild day in Utah if there ever was one !  I almost felt like I was walking in New York City. Wow,Wow,Wow. All I wanted to see were the fish in the stream. Yes there are Rainbow Trout in the middle of down town City Creek.  I took a little line and some borrowed power bait, Yes Chet I did say "borrowed power bait", and thought I would clean up. I made the mistake and did ask, and was told that I couldn't fish here.
     Now some one went way over board here to see if it would be possible to make these streets look like down town New York. The fact of the matter is that it was totally awesome ! There were bands playing, drummers drumming,and singers singing all over the place. It was a way cool atmosphere and we loved every minute of being there. It was wall to wall people in every direction.
     There were so many new stores that are unique to Utah. Way to go City Creek you did this one up right. I will defiantly be back. We only had time to stop at a few shops. They were all first class. It was  the kind of atmosphere  that you could have just lounged around and soaked it all up. The line to just get in and see the new Disney store was a block long. I walked by and thought it was way cool ,but I don't think I have the patience for that one.
     The high light for me had to be the way they have created the City Creek Steam that runs right down the middle of all the shops. It is beautiful and who can complain about watching Rainbow Trout  swimming in the stream while your wife is checking out the boutiques. You have to go see this one soon. Oh ya, there was a ton of wild life there to !   Hummmm :)   Ooooops

      Have a great day ! Get out and enjoy

                                                                           The Bear !!!!

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