
I Wonder What Happend To the feathers On His Head ?

                              Yes its the Turkey Buzzard !

 Even though he is not an American Bald Eagle, he is still a real unique bird. The Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura) is found all over Utah. It roosts in large community groups. Lacking a syrinx—the vocal organ of bird,its only vocalizations are grunts or low hisses. These buzzards were just a block away from my house. They get their name from the coloring that some what reminds you of the wild turkey. My wife said they are just waiting around our house to see when I leave. She swears something on that mountain is going to get me.  I get a pretty good scolding every time I come home with a new story. You would think its my first time wandering alone in the mountains. Those of you who know me know that it is my second nature. Love you anyway honey.
      The buzzards are pretty cool looking, and are graceful flyers. Unless you are really close you would think it was an eagle flying. They usually fly in small groups and hang and roost together. With a head like that I'm sure no one else want to hang with them. They serve a good purpose in helping clean up the dead. How lucky are they ?
       When you see a close up of them, they really do look like they have the turkeys head. Well they were fun to photograph and hope you will look a little closer next time they are circling over your head.

                               Hope it is a great weekend !  Get out and enjoy a Wild Day in Utah !

                                                                                                                          The Bear !!!!

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