
I Wanted To Bring This Stump Home !

                                       Good Day Wild Utah

 Yes I'm back in the mountains again. Ive been dying to go for a walk all week. Finally strapped the boots on and headed for the snow.  While walking up some ridge lines checking out the wildlife I ran across this old ceder stump. It had so much character I had to shoot it . It almost looks like it has its own walking stick. Of course my first thought was how am I going to get this baby home and into my front room. I'm not sure my wife will approve. Think of the possibilities. I can see antlers lying around it , hats hanging off the limbs, and a big ole cigar hanging out its mouth. Wow did I really just say that ? Occasionally I let my imagination run away just a bit. Well just enjoy and you use your own imagination. Yes it's still stuck to mother earth. Ain't no packin this one out I'm afraid.  Seems kind of funny to be walking that high up in the mountains and wearing a t shirt. You have to love Utah weather.
     I walked up another mile or so until I was in about two feet of snow. I couldn't walk on top of the snow with out sinking in every step. It didn't take long to throw the towel in and head for home. I did watch 50 head of cow elk feed along the hill. I brought nothing back but a few pictures. That always makes momma happy. She just doesn't get that excited to see new elk and deer bone coming in the door.  It felt so good to get up in the crisp clean air.   Hope you have a great weekend

                                                                              The Bear !!


cmshort said...

I am sure my mom would just love to have that stump in the living room. Or maybe the kitchen?

wild day in utah said...

Your mom loves it when I go to the mountain. I always bring her back cool stuff ! :)